Poli Has Landed!
After a long and thirsty wait – no thanks to this pesky virus that’s been going around – our long-awaited new shipment from Poli has finally landed! See anything you’ve been missing?

Christmas & New Year’s Eve At The ExciseMan Wine & Whisky Bar
Thank you Wine Guru for the great writeup on The ExciseMan Wine & Whisky Bar!

Have a Jolly Christmas!
We’ll be taking a break on Christmas Day, but will back in action this weekend on 26th & 27th December. The shop opens at 12 noon till 6.30 pm.
All of us at Le Vigne wish you a very Happy Christmas! #levignesingapore #singaporewines #sgwines #winesg

New Arrivals from Bordeaux and a few Links…
We are delighted to welcome the gorgeous wines of Bordeaux at Le Vigne!

Armagnac: The Hidden Gem… Part 1: Why Armagnac?
Part 1: Why Armagnac?
In this very commercialized world, trends and fashion rule. Marketing is so powerful that it determines a lot of what we consume and prices we are willing to pay. Today whisky is all the craze despite having been an “old man’s drink” a little over a decade ago. Brandy now carries that unflattering honour of being grandpa’s drink – totally uncool. Even being the best known brandy, Cognac sales are down and its lesser known cousin Armagnac struggles even more to get noticed.

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Nulla in quam gravida lectus blandit fermentum. Morbi a purus feugiat, ultricies ipsum sed, lobortis diam. In id ipsum accumsan, euismod lacus vel, elementum dolor. Curabitur lobortis pulvinar purus, in vestibulum libero. Nullam quis facilisis nulla. Nam nec velit luctus, rutrum turpis vel, pulvinar quam. Sed egestas justo ut pellentesque suscipit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor magna eget. Nullam eget felis eget nunc lobortis.